Monthly Checklist Child's Name(Required) First Last Checklist Month Date(Required)JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberSchool Attendance LogRegular school attendance is mandatory. Please list dates that the child may have been absent, tardy, or was released early. Use the + sign to add additional linesDateReason Add RemoveCounselingEvery child must be involved with counseling unless otherwise approved by the agency. Please list all counseling appointments and provide an explanation for any missed appointments. Use the + sign to add additional lines DateTimeReason for Missing Add RemoveMedical, Dental, Vision AppointmentsPlease list all appointments from this month and provide an explanation for any missed appointments. Use the + sign to add additional linesDateTimeReason for Missing Add RemoveCommunity ActivitiesEvery child should be involved with at least 2 activities outside of the home. Ex: Youth group every Wednesday, Boy Scouts every Tuesday, Part-time job at McDonald's Use the + sign to add additional lines ActivityFrequency Add RemoveMeetings with SchoolPlease list any meetings you have had with your child's school this month as well as any appointments scheduled for next month Use the + sign to add additional linesDatePerson MeetingReason for Meeting Add RemoveUpload Documents Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 256 MB. Consent(Required) I certify the information included above is correctFoster Parent Signature(Required) First Last Foster Parent Signature First Last CAPTCHA